One of the downsides to this approach
Examine URL slugs and on-page keywords Frequently, a partial keyword or phrase match in URLs or on-page keywords might be enough to rank a perfectly innocent page to one or more related adult queries. Sometimes, updating URLs and on-page elements may be enough to drop unwanted rankings. Remember that changing a URL will likely temporarily impact overall rankings and URL authority for the affected page. Make use of blacklists Paid search teams often use blacklists for adult, hateful or harmful keywords. These lists can also be useful for SEO. Use them to restrict the crawling or indexing of URLs based on related keywords. One of the most popular methods for this is robots.It offers a simple, effective way to disallow problematic DB to Data at scale using regex how public it is – it’s quite literally out there for the entire world to see. Another downside is that robots.txt does not allow for nuance. Not every adult-intent search is equally problematic. In many cases, it may be enough to noindex a page to allow for crawl and discovery of other linked content. On the other hand, it might be desirable to apply 404 or even 410 response codes to URLs that consistently rank for extreme or very illicit phrases. Websites with dynamic URL generation are especially susceptive to this.
Frequently, URLs that drive adult-intent traffic will only rank for one or a few closely related adult-intent terms, which makes disallowing, noindexing, or doing a 404 redirect viable options. In other cases, a blanket rule is not the best solution. Consider doing an experiment with conditional rules that: Target users, instead of bots. Restrict access only to certain audiences, geographies, or device types that drive the unwanted traffic. Consider engagement-based indexing An adult-intent user is unlikely to convert on a non-adult site. These low-quality visits will likely have exceptionally high bounce rates, low pageviews, and no conversions.