AI needs proofreaders and editors
I find these tools work best when working on one section at a time. Always check the writing: AI, at times, might give false or inaccurate data in its answers. AI writing can also have all the problems of human-written work—it can be repetitive, too long, too stiff, you name it. So, like human writers, your . Make it a point to always go over what your tool gives you, and revise and augment as needed. Add your expertise and insights: One of the best ways to put your AI-generated article apart from the millions of similarly generated content out there is to add your interpretations of data, tips or strategies you have on the topic—basically any valuable insight that only you can make.Make use of templates and presets: AI writing tools, like any other generative AI, have limited memory, which means they can only process so much instructions or content that you feed them before they “forget” some of the earlier ones. To bypass CY Lists this and make the generation process much quicker, explore what settings you can change in your AI tool (most will have options for writing personas and prompts.) Key Takeaway Google has always favored people-first content,
and this recent helpful content update is just the latest in many of their attempts to make sure the right content gets to their users. The Helpful Content Update will continue to release tweaks to their signals over the coming months, so it’s prime time for us SEO specialists to take a second look at our content and writing strategies. Luckily, this update could be a win for you—just keep these tips in mind, and you’re on the right track to getting the most value from your content efforts.