Many times, we assume that we know what they want from us. Mistake. Therefore, listen and create content according to what your target audience wants, this way you will generate conversations and convert your followers into customers. . Create a buyer persona With the information collected about your target audience, you can reach a high level of segmentation of your audience by creating a buyer persona , a semifictional character that represents the prototype of your ideal client. In order to analyze a profile with demographic characteristics, a series of behaviors, tastes and interests of your potential client that helps you define the way to address them, the tone, ideal time to publish, etc. .
Analyze the competition A competitor analysis helps you detect them and evaluate which Bulgaria Phone Number List tactics work for them and which dont. By discovering their strengths and weaknesses, you can position yourself among your underserved audience and thus stand out in the market. . Once the social networks to be used and the available resources have been decided, the strategy must be defined in each of them with a clear mission, a statement that takes into account the characteristics of each format to get the most out of each platform. .

An example Instagram is used to develop branding and work on brand recognition. While LinkedIn to share our company culture and help promote employees. . Distinguish yourself with your content The first thing of all is to know the content that is at our disposal to use and the new content that can be created. And the next thing to ask yourself How can my content on social networks be interesting to differentiate myself? The secret is in the focus you give to the content with the purpose of making it attractive to your buyer persona, resolving their doubts and satisfying their needs. All this under the pretext of promoting conversations and generating interactions. In short, provide value so that the user perceives you as a reference in your industry. A style guide is very useful when defining the following elements The content topic that intere