本帖最後由 israt654322 於 2024-3-7 16:06 編輯
The price of publishing the report should be affordable with the duration of its stay on the publisher's website 4- The publisher's site has a high number of visitors, this can be understood by its ranking in Alexa. We have explained the criteria for choosingon the principles of writing a report. What is the tariff and the cost of reporting the ad? Now that you have learned the necessary tips for choosing the best report publishing site, you should choose one that has the characteristics of a high-quality site and its costs are reasonable. All report publishing sites charge you for publishing your report on their site.
This amount is different in different Iranian sites, where there is no Kuwait Phone Number Data specific reference to determine the price, and it is based on the power of the domain (Domain Authority), the power of the page (Page Authority) and the number of audiences, etc. It ranges from 200 thousand tomans to 2.5 million tomans. How much should we pay for reporting in the article? You can see different tariffs for publishing reports. Publication of advertisement report After making the report, the important issue is to publish it. Of course, before choosing a report to publish, it is better to do a proper SEO analysis of your site in order to choose the best reports for your site.

Advertisement publishing websites have high traffic due to the high demand for publishing advertisement reports. To publish our reports on these sites, if you plan to coordinate directly with the publishing sites, you should know that this is very time-consuming and difficult. So what is the solution? What are the platforms for publishing ad reports? Since it takes time to coordinate the publication of an advertisement report on publishing sites, and sometimes it is not possible at all, for example, the online news of a site that has high traffic, and if we directly intend to coordinate with them to publish our report, maybe close to We have to spend 2 weeks.